Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Not just any wine...

The take away thought for this week was "If it's important to you...it's important to God". In our story this week, He turned water into wine to help a bride and groom avoid the disgrace of running out of wine for their guests. Even though it looks different in our life today - He still wants us to trust Him to provide our every need. But in order for that to happen...He has to be present in our lives - and not just every now and then, but every single day. God wants to be a major part of our life, not just a helpline when something goes wrong!

Challenge of the week: A Review Game!
Kids...follow the link below and play a books of the Bible game for $5 KB cash!

Head's up for Next Sunday: April 17th, 2011 (Palm Sunday)
We are starting a special 2 week study for Easter...so it's a great time to bring a friend!
*Memory Verse: John 12:13 - They took palm branches and went out to meet Him, shouting, "Hosanna!" "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Blessed is the King of Israel!"
*Crazy dress up day - NERD DAY!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Under the Fig Tree...

Jesus did some pretty miraculous things while He was on this earth. He turned water to wine, healed the lame, gave a blind man sight and even raised a man from the dead. But Jesus on countless other occasions showed us that He cares about the little things in our life too. This past Sunday, we looked at the story of Jesus meeting Nathaniel for the first time. Jesus told Nathanial that He had seen him earlier sitting under a fig tree, but we know (and Nathaniel knew) that Jesus wasn't there with him. So how did Jesus see Nathaniel? Well...it's Jesus, of course, and it's a miracle, but it's a personal miracle unlike most of the big ones. He wasn't healing a disease or curing a sickness...He was just keeping an eye on someone He was interested in. We don't know exactly why Jesus mentioned this to Nathaniel, but it could have been to illustrate His attention to the seemingly insignificant aspects of our everyday life. We may think that Jesus is too busy taking care of the world and other people, but He wants us to know that He cares about every little detail of our lives!

Challenge of the week: Books of the Bible Quiz for $10 KB cash!!
It's the kids turn to take a quiz! We want every kid to learn more about their Bible and all of the books that are in it. So follow the link below and make sure they sign in so I'll know who participated!!
KIDS...try not to use your Bible...challenge yourself to see how much you know! This will help you become more familiar with your Bible!

Heads up for Next Sunday: April 10th
*Memory Verse - "And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus" Philippians 4:19
*April 17th - Crazy Dress up Day - NERD DAY!!
*Work on the books of the Bible and Psalms 23. It's the best way to earn lots of cash!
If you need help learning...scroll down to last weeks blog. There are URL links that will take you to Youtube videos of songs that will help your child learn the books of the Bible!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Rock!

The very first time that Jesus was introduced to Simon...He changed his name to Cephas (translated Peter) and it means "rock". What's interesting about this is that up to this point in Peter's life - he hadn't lived up to that name. In fact it took Peter a long time to be worthy of that name. But Jesus saw greatness in Simon Peter long before Peter did...and in our lives today it usually works the same way.
We talked this week about understanding how valuable we are to Jesus and the work He is doing in this world. He sees greatness in us even before we are worthy of it...it's just up to us to live our lives in such a way that shows it to others!

Challenge of the week: Ok Parents...we had such a good response last week to the parent quiz that we decided to add a part 2!
So follow this link below and sign in with your CHILD'S FIRST and LAST NAME! That helps me know who has participated! Also...become a follower of this blog so you can be notified each week when we've updated with a new post!

Heads up for next week: Sunday, April 3rd
*MV - Philippians 4:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
*Crazy Dress up day...April 17th - Nerd Day
*In case you missed these links from the last blog...they are youtube videos of songs that will help you learn the books of the bible! Check them out! It's a great way to earn lots of cash!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fight the fight with scripture...

When Jesus was tempted in the desert...he fought off Satan with the Word of God. And from that experience we have one of the most popular verses in the Bible, "...Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."
God's word to us is like fuel for a car...we NEED it! We need to understand that if we start memorizing verses in the Bible - we can use those verses to help us fight off the temptation to do something wrong!

Test your Old Testament Bible knowledge!!
Follow this link and take the quiz so your kids will receive $5 KB cash!!
All you have to do is enter your child's first and last name and I'll know you've participated!!

Heads up for next week: Sunday, March 27th
*MV - Romans 8:31b: If God is for us, who can be against us?
**The Kidz Blitz store was last week and some kids realized they didn't have enough money to get the things they wanted! The only way to remedy that is to help them memorize the books of the Bible and Psalms 23. Our next store will be on May 22nd!
Here are 2 youtube links with different styles that they can watch to help them memorize the books of the Bible!

Monday, March 14, 2011


This past Sunday was a review day for us! Every so often we like to go back and remind the kids what we've learned and then play a fun game to see if they can remember!
And...since it was a review week - all we have today is a fun challenge and some reminders for next Sunday!

Challenge of the week: See if you can answer correctly and sink the battleship!
When you win you will see a message...write it down and bring it to Kidz Blitz for $3 bucks!

Head's up for next Sunday: March 20th
*MV - Matthew 4:4 "Man does not live by bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."
*Crazy Dress up Day - "Twins" Day
Pair up with someone or dress like your small group and get $5 KB cash!
*KB Store - this is the first time your kids will have a chance to cash in the money they've earned!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Bug man...

John the Baptist wasn't your typical kind of guy...in fact - he lived in the desert, ate locusts and wild honey and wore animal skin clothing, but he did get one thing right. He understood his purpose in life. He was supposed to prepare everyone for Jesus, and point them away from the darkness of sin and towards the "Light of the World". In fact...he told people that Jesus was "...the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world."

Wouldn't it be really cool if we all knew exactly what God wanted us to do? Well...even though I do believe we all have a unique purpose, I think there are also some things we can be doing in the meantime until we figure out what God's purpose for us is. And what exactly is that? The same thing John the Baptist was doing...loving God, loving others and pointing them to Christ!

Challenge of the week:
Follow the link below and finish the puzzle challenge.
If you get it right - a picture will pop up. Tell a Discovery Street leader at KB what the picture is for $3 KB cash!

Heads up for next week: March 13th
*Crazy Dress up day coming up on March 20th!!
*KB Store coming up on March 20th!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Young at Heart...

Does God only use adults to do His work? Absolutely NOT!! Jesus showed particular interest and patience with children in the bible because they were and are important to His ministry.

This week we looked at the story of Jesus visiting the temple for the first time. Even at a young age He was ready to do God's work, and our children can and should have the same attitude. How, you ask? By inviting their friends to church, by setting an example of obedience - to their parents, teachers and anyone else who is in a position of authority over them, and by being a good helper when there is work to be done. Cleaning isn't fun for anyone, but children that have a good attitude when they are asked to help sets a huge example for others!

Don't let anyone tell you that you are too young to make a difference for God!

Things to think about:
Parents...have your kids think about how they can be more helpful at home and post your ideas in the comment box for $3 KB cash. Is it less whining when asked to do chores? Or is it taking the initiative to clean your room without being asked? There are lots of ways to make a difference!
For an extra KB buck...list the name of one friend you could invite to come to Kidz Blitz!

Challenge of the week: "Who am I" mystery...
My name means "the Rock", and I have a particular hatred for roosters!
I don't deny that I love Jesus...but sometimes need a little help admitting it!
Write your answer on a piece of paper and bring it in to KB for $3!!

Heads up for next week: March 6th
MV - John 1:29: "Behold, the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world"
Yes - we've had this verse before...so it should be an easy $5!

March 20th - is our KB store where the kids get to cash in their money! You won't want
to miss that day!
March 20th - Dress up day...Twin day - dress up like everyone in your small group for extra KB cash!! p.s. small group leaders will discuss this for the next two weeks!